Here is a compiled list of general kingdom rules we expect members who live in groups to follow! We hope this clears up any questions you may have about kingdoms!
Here you can find the global rules regarding kingdoms on the Fairytales SMP! These rules are applicable for any kingdom, town, village, nation or other that hosts multiple members. The reason these rules exist is to minimise the amount of drama as much as possible because it's difficult for staff to deal with and also we don't want players feeling left out. Breaking or not following the rules will result in staff having to step in and punishments may be dealt accordingly. Just have fun and don't be stinky and you will be fine :)
Global Kingdom Rules:
Please ensure you have a kingdom members board on display in the kingdom. The board should clearly display personal kingdom boundaries (build theme + claim size) and the usernames of residents. When someone’s name is on the board they have full build perms in the area and only they can remove their name.
You cannot force someone to leave your kingdom after inviting them. They must leave by their own choice.
No negative hierarchy. Fairytales is for everyone! Make decisions together - not as overarching leaders.
No wars, no drama. Disputes or arguments that do not immediately break Fairytales rules should be resolved privately between participants. Staff will not intervene on civil issues.
Staff will not enforce specific kingdom rules players set. We will only help resolve issues that arise in your kingdom if a member is breaking the Fairytales rules or Global Kingdom Rules.
Things to note:
Global Kingdom Rules exist for a reason! They exist so we can ensure that members do not feel pushed or singled out. Fairytales is for everyone and we wish to protect player's builds and areas, even if there is fallouts between members. Staff won't force someone to move out of kingdoms after they have been invited. So.. please be careful who you invite to your kingdom!
We understand that civil disputes or arguments can arise more commonly in kingdoms due to lots of people inhabiting one area - but, please make sure you are resolving things between yourselves in a calm and collected way. Disputes or arguments that do not immediately break Fairytales rules must be resolved between the participants privately. Meaning not in the public server chat to bother other members. Please do not get staff involved in civil issues. We get that arguments are tough to solve - but, it's even tougher to expect staff to resolve them when we do not know the ins-and-outs of things and we also do not know you very well!
What staff CAN help with when it comes to kingdom issues:
We can contact players if they have not seen or responded to your attempts to communicate after 2 weeks.
We can remove claims that are obviously abandoned. (If they clearly have no sign of life. This is up to staff to decide if it is abandoned).
We can remove claims that are placed in already established bases or areas that are preventing you from using your land or builds.
We can help review builds that are closer than 50 blocks to your build. There is no guarantee we will interfere but we will review it and consider the factors on the next steps.
What staff CANNOT help with when it comes to kingdom issues:
We cannot aid in the removal of a player from a kingdom whether they were invited or not.
We cannot step in if players cannot come to an agreement. You are encouraged to try and compromise with other players that are in your kingdom. If you cannot come to an agreement, you should ignore eachother and work in seperate directions and move on.
We cannot aid in the removal of a player from a private kingdom if they were invited by anyone in the kingdom and another member does not approve.
Last updated