Enchanted Greenhouses
Page is in progress. Season 5.
What are the Enchanted Greenhouses?
The Enchanted Greenhouses magically regenerate the resources inside of them. So if you are in need of an abundance of certain resources, the magic inside the greenhouses will be your best friend!
Each resource inside the greenhouses may have a different regeneration time. Make sure you check the sign near each resource to see the regeneration time per resource.
Why do the Enchanted Greenhouses exist?
The Enchanted Greenhouses is our way of preserving the biomes around the world of Faironia! An example use case of the greenhouses is if you need a large abundance of wood. You can head over to the greenhouses and you can get logs from there! This will take the trees and result in less deforestation.
The resource I want is not there. Why?
The greenhouses have limited resources that regenerate. You can expect to see things like crops, logs, sand, red sand, gravel, clay, terracotta and others. But, things like ores or blocks that have greater value cannot be found in the greenhouses. This is because we are still a survival server and there would be no fun in the game if we made every single resource easily obtainable.
However, if you do have ideas or suggestions for what can go into the greenhouses - please feel free to suggest them in the ideas channel in our Discord server!
Who is Clovecat?
Clovecat is one of the gardeners that helps out around the Enchanted Greenhouses! He LOVES to eat rocks. Cobble, Netherack, you name it! If you bring some rocks to him, he may trade soft blocks in return such as grass, dirt and mycelium.
Last updated