We are here for anything you need!
The Fairytales Staff Team are here for you! We want the community to be a safe and welcoming place as much as you and the rest of the community do! If you ever have any concerns or need to make a report - please do not hesitate to contact us! We will try our best within our realm of capabilities to help you out!
How do I get InTouch with a staff member?
You can speak with a staff member by using our #ask-mods channel in the Discord! You can also submit reports via our #support channel there too! Click below to join our Discord server:
How do I make a report in-game?
You can report players in-game with simple commands! This form of reporting is quick and easy - but please be aware you will not receive an outcome of the report! Think of this more of a 'silent' way of reporting! All reports made in-game will alert the staff team immediately for us to start looking into it - even if staff are not online on the server, we get notified in Discord!
Below are some examples on how to use the in-game /reportplayer

Last updated