Player Warps
Player warps are a way to find builds and areas created by other players easily!
What's a player warp?
Setting a player warp is how you can make your builds and areas public to be teleported to by other players. You can categorise your warp by Town, Shop, Farm and Event so players can easily browse between warps to find exactly what they are looking for. To view all player warps, you can do /pw
What are the player warp limits?
Player warps have limits on them for a couple different reasons:
So trolls cannot join the server and make public warps with inappropriate or harmful names for others to see.
So the menu does not get full up with hundreds of warps which would make them harder to browse.
Amount of player warps per rank:
Moon: 5 player warps
Star: 3 player warps
Cloud: 1 player warp
Fairy: 1 player warp
Additionally, setting a player warp costs 1,000 sparkles per warp to minimise the amount of troll warps. This is the same cost for every rank.
Player warp commands:
/pw set name
Sets a player warp where you are standing with the name specified.
/pw remove name
Remove a player warp with the name specified.
Bring up the menu for all player warp categories to browse public player warps.
/pw favourite name username
Favourite the player warp specified. You may need to specify the username of the pw owner at the end also.
It is recommended that you have some kind of information at the spawn point of your player warp explaining its purpose. This can be done with sign boards or books.
Last updated