Here is a list of frequently asked questions and answers that may help you with your journey inside Fairytales!
♡ Do hats carry over to future seasons?
Purchased hats from the store DO.
Hats obtained from the vote shop or any free-means DO NOT.
♡ How do I link my Discord account?
Do the command
/discord link
in-game and you will receive a 4 digit code in chat!Then, join our Discord at
Find the channel called 'smp-linking' and send your 4 digit code in the chat! And you're done!
If you link your account, you get a free Follower Pet!
♡ How do I apply for staff?
Our staff applications often get posted in our announcement channel in our Discord server! Alternatively, you can check this link to see if they are currently open: Staff Applications
♡ Credits for resource packs?
The Hotbar is made by the owner, Ophelovie!
Better Unicode Font for Bedrock players:
♡ I have been falsely banned. What do I do?
If you believe you have been falsely banned, you can open an SMP Unban appeal ticket in our Discord.
♡ My house has been griefed. Will you help me?
Absolutely! We do not allow griefing or stealing on the server, so please do report this to a staff member if this has happened to you. We will fix this for you!
♡ What's the difference between Blossom and Bloom?
Just the world seed! All the features are the same!
♡ When do claims expire?
Claims expire after 60 days of inactivity. Make sure you are logging in to keep your claims protected!
♡ I bought a rank from the store. How come I don't have the role in the Discord?
If your rank was gifted to you, you need to manually receive the role in the Discord from a staff member. Please open a Store Ticket and we will get this sorted for you!
♡ How far in the ground will my claim go?
Your claim will go top to bottom of the world when you claim with the golden shovel. (Season 5)
♡ What are the chunk limits per mob?
We set limits on how many of each mob and entities can be in a singular chunk for performance reasons! Here's how many you can have before they start to despawn:
- Squid limit:5
- Zombie limit:5
- Skeleton limit:3
- Creeper limit:2
- Chicken limit:25
- Pig limit:25
- Sheep limit:25
- Cow limit:25
- Villager limit:10
- Rabbit limit:5
- PufferFish limit:2
- Silverfish limit:2
- Tropical Fish limit:25
- Cod limit:15
- Dolphin limit:5
- Allay limit:10
- Axolotl limit:10
- Minecart limit:10
- Minecart Chest limit:5
- Minecart Furnace limit:5
- Minecart Hopper limit:5
- Minecart TNT limit:5
- Cat limit:10
- Dog/Wolf limit: 10
- Strider limit: 8
- Turtle limit: 4
- Bee limit: 15
♡ Build credits?
Our beautiful hub and spawn builds are created by Munkei and Greene. You can check out Munkei on Tiktok!
♡ How do I turn off the server resource pack?
Please follow the steps in the image! Please be aware, only Java players can disable the resource pack.
♡ What happens with a new season?
We usually do 2 seasons of the Fairytales SMP each year! A new season is a refresh of the world. Everyone starts from fresh to have a new experience of the Fairytales SMP. This means inventories are wiped and the world is started afresh.
The only things that will remain are: store brought Ranks, Follower Pets, Trails, Tags, Wings, Cosmetics and Hats. Hats will need to be returned manually, so make sure you open a ticket to reclaim your hats when a new season starts :) We do not have a way of automatically redelivering hats. So we thank you for the patience in advance while we work through hat deliveries at the start of the season!
Seasons last anywhere between 6 months - 10 months long. It really depends. We tend to start a new season when a major Minecraft version releases in the summer. And then we will restart the season when we think it's necessary :) Each season includes new features and new updates!
♡ Will my farm/contraption work?
Fairytales is not a vanilla Minecraft environment due to many performance enhancing changes to ensure our server remains lag-free where possible.
Redstone and how mobs act in Fairytales may effect how your farm or contraption functions. There are many different technical enhancements that may effect your specific farm that we will not be able to list you. So we would recommend testing out farm mechanics before building them large scale as a farm that works on vanilla may not work on Fairytales.
Last updated