Here you will find a total list of commands you can use in Fairytales! If you notice any discrepancies, be sure to let a staff member know!
Provide a list of available emojis.
Hug a player via chat.
Poke a player via chat.
High five a player via chat.
Pat a player via chat.
Wave to a player via chat.
Sit down.
Lay down.
Spin around.
Crawl around.
Opens a GUI to pick a fairy type.
/itf toggle visibility
(Cloud, Star and Moon ranks only)
Toggle the invisibility of item frames on and off (Cloud, Star and Moon ranks only)
/itf toggle glow colour
(Moon ranks only)
Toggle the colour of item frames. Available colour options: aqua, black, blue, dark_aqua, dark_blue, dark_gray, dark_green, dark_purple, dark_red, gold, gray, green, light_purple, red, white and yellow
/itf scan radius
(Cloud, Star and Moon ranks only)
Scan for item frames in the radius provided. Useful for showing where you have misplaced invisible item frames!
(Monthly Sillies Supports Only)
Open up the disguises menu to equip a disguise.
Homes, Claiming, Warps
Brings up a menu of your current homes.
/sethome name
Sets a new home with the desired name.
/delhome name
Deletes the specified home.
Deletes the claim you are standing in.
Deletes all your claims.
/trust <usernames|@groups|#tags>
Gives another player permission to edit your claim.
Takes away another player’s permissions to edit your claim.
/accesstrust <usernames|@groups|#tag>
Gives players permission to use buttons, levers and beds.
/containertrust <usernames|@groups|#tags>
Gives a player permissions to use your buttons, leavers, beds, crafting gear, chests and animals.
Lists all the trusted people for the claim you are standing in.
/untrust all
Takes away permission to edit your claim from everybody.
Gives away your tamed animal.
Provides a list of a player's claims and claim block information.
/warps list
Opens up a menu with all available warps.
View a list of your user groups
/usergroup [list]
View a list of members of a user group
/usergroup delete
Delete a user group
/usergroup <add|remove> <usernames…>
Add or remove player(s) from a user group.
Toggle child claiming mode.
/childclaim <radius>
Create a child claim in a parent claim around your position
Toggle regular claiming mode
/extendclaim <blocks>
Extend your claim by a number of blocks in the direction you are facing
Rewards and Jobs
View your available and upcoming rewards.
Opens up the jobs menu.
/reportplayer name
Report a player. This sends a report that pings staff directly in the Discord server.
Request to teleport to a player.
Invite a player to teleport to you.
Accept teleport request.
Cancels all teleport requests.
Teleport to spawn.
Set home to your current location.
/warps list
Warp list.
Teleport randomly in the world.
Mailbox and Messaging/Whispers
Check your mailbox.
/mail delete all
Clear your mailbox.
/mail delete mailID
To clear a certain mail.
/mail send
Send mail to another player even if they are offline.
Private message/whisper to another player.
Toggle on and off people being able to whisper you.
Opens the pronouns GUI.
Sparkles Currency
Check your balance.
/sparkles top
Check the Sparkles leaderboard.
View your current PvP status.
/pvp toggle
Toggle your current PvP state.
/pvp on/off
Enables and disabled your PvP state.
Chest sorting
/sort or /chestsort
To toggle your settings.
/sort on/off/toggle
Enables and disables automatic chest sorting.
Sorts your inventory.
/isort all
Sorts your inventory and hotbar.
/isort on/off/toggle
Enables and disables automatic inventory sorting.
Fairy Vaults
Open the vaults menu.
/vaults <number>
Open your vault directly.
Opens the kit GUI.
/aa mute/unmute
Mute and Unmute the action bar announcements.
Opens up a menu of the server rules.
Opens up a menu of various information for in-game features.
Opens up a home menu to go off into separate cosmetic pages.
Opens up the Player Warps menu.
Opens up a menu to show the obtainable fruit and where to get them.
Opens up a menu of what custom recipes are available to craft!
Opens up a menu to show what custom fishing drops are in the game!
/tab scoreboard
Toggles the scoreboard on and off on the side of the screen.
Opens the particle wings menu.
Opens the model wings menu.
Opens up the fairydust trails menu.
Opens up the chat tags menu.
Opens up a cosmetics menu for all the above commands in one.
Last updated